This is probably the understatement of the decade, but it’s been a strange couple of months. If you’re reading this, I hope that you and your family are safe and well, and that this worrying time will soon over be over.
In early March I decided to suspend the art lessons that I usually run here in the studio. We’re now looking towards a reopening date, and my wife is busy with virus risk assessments and all of the other plans we need to put in place.
I must admit that even though I’d never wish a pandemic on the world, it’s been good to have a few months to do nothing but concentrate on painting. I walk to my studio every day, and spend six hours or so at the easel. There’s examples below of some of the sketches produced during this time. I’ve been reasonably prolific, and it’s given me the opportunity to explore new directions.
In the last few weeks I’ve had several enquiries asking whether there are any prints of Into the Day left. Apologies, but they’ve all gone. There will be more prints of other works available soon though and I’ll post about them here.
In the meantime, take care and thanks for visiting my site.